A project with Genially

 We have carried out a project using Genially. Our aims are the following:

-       To encourage oral interaction among the students.

-       To promote collaborative work

-       To learn in an autonomous way

-       To learn some cultural facts about famous cities

-      To develop digital competence.


It has been developed in several stages:

        a)     Students are grouped in small groups. There should be different levels in each group, so that each one can make   contributions to the group.

b)    The topic is: “A trip to…” So, they choose a city they would like to visit and look for information about that (monuments, food, weather, etc). To do that, they use internet.

c)     The students organise and select the information they need.

d)    They start working with Genially, choosing a suitable modality for this task.

e)    As this is a new tool, the teacher helps them with any problem they may have.

f)      Finally, the students show their projects to the class and they discuss about their favourite city, things to do there and places to visit, typical food, the best month to go, etc.

 The use of Genially has optimised my students’ learning experience and has helped me achieve all the objectives. This is an interactive and visual tool which helps to develop creativity and collaborative work among students. They also learn in an autonomous way, trying to solve the difficulties they find.

Furthermore, they have practised oral skills, as they have to interact when discussing about their favourite city, giving some reasons for that and trying to convince their partners. Thus, they also learn to exchange different opinions and ideas and respect their turn.

Finally, they have learnt about interesting cultural facts.

Perhaps a downside is that this task is time-consuming. It could be assigned as a final term project.

Here you can see our project with Genially:


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  2. The blog entry chosen is the one using Genially and I think that it is very dynamic, quite appropriate the different sections and really useful how she links certain landmarks to an online video. Then, it is very interactive as well.

    As an improvement proposal, it would be a good idea to prepare this project in two stages: the first one to plan the trip and the last one in which those students tell their experiences showing photos and videos, apart from their feelings in order to assess if that plan was proper or improvable.


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