Reading habits


Reading is an important activity for all of us, since it has many benefits, such as: it improves our vocabulary and comprehension, reduces stress and builds good communication skills.




I have liked reading since I was small. I remember going to the libray with my sister and taking different types of books and magazines. I enjoyed them very much.

When I was a child, I always read in L1, but I as I grew old, I started to read in English, at the beginning as a part of my studies and later for entertainment. 

At present, I usually choose the same types of texts in L1 and L2, since this is a way to spend my free time and have fun. Nevertheless, at school I try to update my English reading texts of different topics, like for instance: health, technology, science, etc. in order to learn as much vocabulary as possible.

In general, we can say that nowadays our reading habits have changed a lot, mainly with respect to the format in which we read. If a few decades ago we only had paper, today we can also read using e-readers, online pages and even audiobooks. Despite this wide range of resources, I still prefer reading using paper books because I enjoy that moment in the evening when I forget everything that surrounds me and I am ready to discover a new world through the pages of the book.

Concerning the proposed images, in the first one we can see some students at school. They are very interested in their readings, but they don´t usually choose their books, as this is often a compulsory task their teachers give them.




As teachers, we have to motivate our students with topics of their interest and try different strategies so that we can make them feel the pleasure of reading. In this way, it will  become part of their learning process and the students  will improve their linguistic skills. Furthermore, it will help them to be more creative and have fun with it.

I would like to comment on this photo in which we can see an old woman reading with a small girl.  Perhaps the grandmother is helping the girl with her homework, or the granddaughter is showing her what she has done at school. We aren't sure, but the important thing is that they seem to have a close relationship and they like  spending time together, no matter how old they are, because above all, reading increases our ability to empathize with other people.
