

We have carried out an activity using Storyjumper. The students have worked in pairs or groups of three; so, we promote collaborative work.

We followed some steps to get to the final product:

First, I showed them the tool, so that they could get familiar with it.

They had to choose a topic for their book, a setting and the characters.

Then, they began to create their books, following the instructions of the page: choosing the props, characters, scenes and voice. This was the most enjoyable part for them.

 The specific learning objectives for this activity are the following:

- To develop written skills and practise language

- To promote collaborative work and create opportunities to interact and communicate among them

- To improve digital competence

 The use of Storyjumper helped the learners achieve these objectives because they had to select vocabulary and organise ideas in order to create a story. So, we can say that creativity and imagination are very important in this activity.

Also, they have been working in small groups and all of them participated and made contributions to the group.

Finally, it becomes a meaningful task which has a purpose and can be showed to the others. The finished projects were shared with the rest of the class and it let them have a sense of achievement.

The students enjoyed the creating the book a lot, because it was very visual. A downside is that it is time-consuming.  

   There were opportunities for students to co-evaluate and discuss the learning experience with each other, as they became readers of their partners’ works and could interact and express their opinions about the other projects.

Our digital books:

The little grey bird

The wolf and Little Red Hood

Raquel's life
